by leerozelle | Mar 17, 2024 | cosmic horror, the gothic, the weird, weird fiction
H.P. Lovecraft’s “Pickman’s Model” turns dark arts into shock art in this story that inverts ideas found in Poe’s “The Oval Portrait” and Wilde’s DORIAN GRAY. An outcast painter creates monsters in his gallery that are...
by leerozelle | Dec 17, 2023 | cosmic horror, horror short stories, science fiction, the weird, weird fiction
H.F. Arnold’s “The Night Wire” follows the news story of an ominous fog that invades the town of Xebico. As the terrifying bulletins roll in, bizarre things start to happen at the news desk. A must-listen for fans of Carpenter’s THE FOG and King’s THE...
by leerozelle | Dec 10, 2023 | cosmic horror, horror short stories, the weird, weird fiction
Brian Lumley’s “A Dreamer’s Tale” follows a wanderer to the edges of a Lovecraftian dreamworld into the isolated village of Drearish, a town of dark streets and cultish townsfolk where a photophobic Shadow Man waits with vampiric intent. A strange...
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