THE STORY: “The Hound”

THE STORY: “The Hound”

In H.P. Lovecraft’s “The Hound,” a decadent graverobbing duo languorously collects cryptic relics for their morbid museum. Unfortunately for these foppish ghouls, they nab a jade amulet from the wrong grave and get hounded by a monster out of the...
THE STORY: “The Circus”

THE STORY: “The Circus”

Francesca Maria’s “The Circus” glimmers with nostalgia, state fair rides, and big top oddities. Step right up, reader, there are mute clowns, clowns in g-strings eating chicken, monkeys in clown suits, and gorillas in fezzes. Just don’t go into the House of...
THE STORY: “Fishhead”

THE STORY: “Fishhead”

Irvin S. Cobb’s “Fishhead” pits multiracial outcast and catfish whisperer Fishhead against the Baxters, a couple of low-down dirty racists out for revenge for an ass-kicking they sorely deserved. Lush, Gothic descriptions of the watershed. Fish horror at its...